by Noam | Mar 3, 2014 | Testing
The key to optimizing RanoreXPath queries is to reduce the number of elements Ranorex has to evaluate as it scans the UI. This post shows a few ways to do that. A RanoreXPath, or RXPath for short, describes the path to an element or set of elements. As I explain in my...
by Noam | Feb 25, 2014 | Testing
Ranorex supports caching for app folders and rooted folders, which are two types of repository folders. The repository caching feature was designed specifically to improve test run performance. When an action associated with a repository item is executed during a test...
by Noam | Feb 2, 2014 | Testing
The screen resolution and the Ranorex Studio debugger affect the execution speed of the test run. Ranorex Studio is built on top of the excellent open source SharpDevelop IDE, which is designed to mimic the Visual Studio IDE. This gives Ranorex many advanced...
by Noam | Feb 2, 2014 | Testing
Ranorex can run UI automation tests at a very fast pace. But as test suites and repositories grow, they become more complex and execution speed tends to suffer. Christian Breitwieser, one of Ranorex’s excellent test automation engineers, and I ran some experiments to...