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Ranorex: How to Generate and Use Random Values

One of Ranorex’s greatest strengths is that non-coders can build rich test suites using very little code. This lowers the learning curve significantly and helps testers be productive regardless of their coding background. But little code does not mean no code at...

Ranorex Speed #3: Optimizing RanoreXPaths

The key to optimizing RanoreXPath queries is to reduce the number of elements Ranorex has to evaluate as it scans the UI. This post shows a few ways to do that. A RanoreXPath, or RXPath for short, describes the path to an element or set of elements. As I explain in my...

Ranorex Speed #2: The Repository Cache

Ranorex supports caching for app folders and rooted folders, which are two types of repository folders. The repository caching feature was designed specifically to improve test run performance. When an action associated with a repository item is executed during a test...

Ranorex Basics: RanoreXPaths and Repositories

In the previous post, we discussed plugins, elements and adapters, the most basic Ranorex components that make everything else tick. Whereas elements and adapters are the raw materials, RanoreXPaths and the repository are the sauce that makes it possible to query and...

Ranorex Basics: Plugins, Elements and Adapters

Ranorex Studio does a great job of hiding all the internals making things simple for non-coders. When you get started with Ranorex, recording modules and building test suites, you don’t have to know too much about how it does things internally. But as your test suites...